A commitment I have to my muse and song-giver is that I will never write a word, I do not want to write and that I will write only what grips me with absolute conviction that, I have to write it and write it exactly that way.
This means that a story or a cause or a person or a place or a situation has to fundamentally inspire me before i can weave any magic, I believe in.
It is also imperative that I write without any goals to achieve anything beyond being a vessel serving the song. My muse is very sensitive and I like the way that holds me to the grinding stone.
I do not do anything on demand, except that the demand be one of immense inspiration.
So working with me can be a test of anybody's sanity.
All my songs are available on Creative Commons Licenses and are available for remix and non-commercial use. I am grateful for acknowledgment of attribution, despite the fact that everything I write is a compost of so much I can never come around to even naming, most often not recognizable in states
of multiple postmortem, pickled preservation and insane decomposition.
Anybody can sing my songs and quote my lyrics non commercially. I hope to always keep it largely this way regardless of how my business develops.
While I exercise my right to share, I also have the responsibility to respect those who did not choose to do as I did with my Intellectual Property.
I oppose and resist piracy in all shapes and forms. From torrents to unauthorized youtube uploads and pirated software to cracked demos.
A prerequisite for any use of my songs is that you agree that your use of the songs will not include the use of plugin or DAWs.
I humbly request anybody using my songs to respect this. While I have no right to dictate what you do, non commercially, I will not partake of any commercial benefits that proceed from any recording that used an illegal.
Having said all this. I want to work with every musician I possibly can, get an opportunity to work with. I hereby welcome all co-workers who have taken the time to read this far it would be a huge bonus if you even agree with a thing or two, of what i have said.