i am Ta'fxkz: Ask me why i am not on facebook

Ask me why i am not on facebook

There are many answers to this question
  1. It went haywire, I couldn't tell one friend from her mother.
  2. Was overloaded with people tagging me with nonsense that they wanted to sell my friends.
  3. Some idiot uses a non facebook 3rd party application of quiz and gives up access to my status updates photos . I could put the jerks on minimum access to my information mode but that kinda beat the idea of being there in the first place.
  4. I was never comfortable being ad fodder and I am not too sure Goldman Sachs are investing magic beans with no giant on top the beanstalk
  5. Mark Zuckerberg is the Time Magazine's Man of the Year along with Hitler and Stalin, yet Hitler and Stalin do not have facebook accounts – think about that!
  6. I care about not selling my friends to be shelved and displayed with all their manipulable private information exposed.
  7. Yeah, I think I am too cool to be there. I like to disappear from face and the books of the universe every now and then, a bit like super man without the silly costume.
  8. My blogsite www.tafxkz.info is cooler, quirkier and fits everything I stand for with NO ADS! Did I mention that it costs only 35 Indian rupees a year to maintain? Yes, 35 measly Indian rupees a year, and I am not even a tech geek. Eat that pigeons. Now – can somebody explain why he or she IS on facebook?!!
  9. Actually being introduced/known as someone who deleted his facebook account is a notoriety that best represents my brand and immediately opens conversations that pitch my paradigm.
  10. To ask me why I am not on facebook, is like asking a fish why it is not taking the free luxury cruise - in case you missed the status update all the fish on-board are in the menu. No thank you, I'd rather not take that bait invitation. The internet is my ocean. My natural habitat. Yes, I have to deal with my natural predators and the elements of nature- but I am a fish in water and not in boiling oil, vinegar. gravy or stew.

    Finally I beat billg to deleting my facebook account before he did, though I quit Microsoft only a few months after him