i am Ta'fxkz: Gone Porn

Friday, October 14, 2011

Gone Porn

Note: Arul "Ta'fxkz" Baliah died on 8th October, 2011. This post (with no associated tags) was found in its unfinished, and unpublished form within his website. From what can be gathered from the draft, this post was typed up on 4th June, 2011 at 1.05 pm. Ta'fxkz had many inimitable, characteristic traits - many of which were abrasive to the candid listener. This post is an example of his often misunderstood attempt to marry the abrasive with the sensible. --- Cousin to Ta'fxkz, Dan.

Yes, I have to hereby declare that I have set my most beautiful songs to sync with pornographic visuals. I have taken this step as an aesthetic and artistic decision and I am proud of it.

Here is my official statement.

  1. Yes sex is beautiful and people look silly fucking - need I really explain what that has to do with my songs?
  2. I feel my songs are the purest form of anything I can ever give back to the universe, much like sex no matter how much something is commercialized there are somethings so beautiful they are almost divine if not reflections of something divine
  3. I think of Porn vs MTV or a Bollywood Movie, and I think porn takes the hypocritical element out, and fucks it good
  4. Ah now the religious nuts- go read your own scripture - every one of you, and if you must ponder on the mysterious parable between sighs and utterances in the visceral grammar of xenoglossy spoken in body language 
  5. Sex is intimate communication releasing passion, love, emotions that are otherwise incommunicable, I think my songs are too

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